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    Nuclear War Back on the Table; I’m Loading Up on SILVER!!

    I’ve been here before, only I didn’t know it. When I born in the summer of 1984, the world had already escaped nuclear holocaust on a number of occasions, but the biggest close calls happened in the early 1980s, with one of them so close to a Soviet-American thermonuclear war that the Soviet officer who de-escalated the event is dubbed “the man that saved the world” – Stanislav Petrov.

    Silver Will Hit $33/oz, at the Blink of an Eye

    Investors are bullish. The Federal Reserve has persuaded them that even though interest rates have totally killed housing and other interest-rate-sensitive industries as a whole, the U.S. economy is booming thanks to massive reindustrialization in post-China/U.S. trade-led globalization.

    Iran ATTACKS, But not even a Scratch

    Daniel Gold was born and raised in Tel Aviv. His parents were Holocaust survivors who immigrated to Israel from Hungary.

    Gold, Iran, Netanyahu, and That Senile From D.C.!

    I want you to close your eyes and imagine (don’t really close them because you won’t be able to read what comes next) people with a very rich heritage.

    What Nonsense… Gold NOT Overbought; Relax!

    I get this question constantly: What happened? Why now? Why is gold suddenly invincible?