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Trump Demolishes Soros’ Infiltration: BURY HIM!
When I first began to be interested in the science of excellence, I became immediately attracted to idols. I was just a little boy, when this fascination inherently took over me, for some reason or another and my competitiveness turned obsessive.
Trump ENDS PetroDollar: Silver to $40/ounce ASAP!
Donald Trump is redefining the dollar and this is causing the Re-emergence of gold and silver.
Gloves Off – Record GOLD: BRICS 100% Tariffs – Trump is Dead Serious!
You already know that the world was saved on November 6th, 2024. Even if you voted for Kamala and have any ability to laugh at yourself and move on simply, it is apparent to you now that the Western world, the union of the 50 states, and humanity itself were saved on November 6th.
Bretton Woods is DEAD: Trump’s Decisive Action – China TARIFFS!
The speed of implementation is beyond comprehension.