Personal Finance Articles

Kamala’s Election Theft Masterplan – RESIST with all Your Might!

by | Personal Finance

They’re Going for the Revolution

This election is for the very existence of the Constitution.

If Kamala Harris wins, the revolution has begun.

The 1st and 2nd amendment will be marginalized, replaced by progressive draconian measures and more buildings and statues that represent what the constitutional republic gives the people, will be destroyed.

Don’t you get it? Don’t you see it?

Everything that the founding fathers and the generations that followed worked so hard to achieve, defeating the British, the French, the Spanish, the Japanese, the Soviets and many internal and domestic threats, will be gone.

You’ll wake up to a new United States of America, one that the union may not even stand.

Obama’s agenda is to pack the courts (change the rulebook), add two more states (Puerto Rico and Washington D.C.), get rid of the filibuster and eliminate the electoral college, which means that New York and Los Angeles will determine who is the president of the union.

Never in the history of this country has one man been such a threat to the Deep State, on both sides of the aisle!

Donald Trump does not owe his allegiance to anything, but the people.

His voters aren’t rich republicans, but the middle class of the country… black, Hispanic and white workers realize he is their president.

He is a threat, because he holds nothing sacred, except efficient governing.

If the United States needs to drill for oil, it will do that. If it needs to slap tariffs, that’s what is going to happen.

No lobbyist can pressure him that tariffs on China will hurt the multinationals it represents.

That’s why Donald Trump has already survived two assassination attempts and not a word of real condemnation from the president.

That’s why the Islamic Republic of Iran tried to whack and hacked his campaign!

No president was impeached twice. No president was prosecuted as a private citizen in the Senate.

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    When polled, a quarter of blue voters wouldn’t mind if Donald Trump was shot and another 25% are unsure.

    They’ve already begun to do whatever they could to “win” the “fair” elections: early voting, absentee voting, inconsistent low rejection rates, ballot harvesting… it goes on and on.

    One candidate wants to give the people what the founding fathers gifted them with – a constitutional republic, emboldened by the bill of rights, while the other wants to take control of the subjects and rule over them.

    It’s that simple.

    Vote Trump to save the America you were gifted by the framers of the constitution or vote Kamala and see how your country becomes just another western nation, decadent and weak.

    Best Regards,

    Lior Gantz

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