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EVERYONE and Their Mama Says Inflation is BACK!
Between 1945 and 1991, two competing trains were running on the tracks. Each headed in a different direction, but both were looking to reach a similar destination: national security.
Gavin Newsom is George Soros, SQUARED!!
Before these tragic fires, I’ve never given California or Gavin Newsom much attention.
TRUMP No Mercy: Biden Imported Terrorist Attacks!
The American people understand that what they have built is a nation that is just so superior to all other social constructs, that when pushed to the absolute limit of insanity, they overwhelmingly chose to go back to normal.
Nuclear Winter: Trump is Done Talking – it’s GAME-TIME!
In 2003, Joseph Overton, an American political scientist, took off with his ultralight plane in Michigan and crashed immediately after. It was a tragic aeronautical accident for the 43-year-old, a genius libertarian who left the world a legacy with the concept of the Overton Window.